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Video Guidelines

A comprehensive list of video guidelines


This guidance applies to audio, written text, and subtitles.

  • Profanity should be infrequent and mild
  • Avoid language that is derogatory, aggressive, sexually-oriented, or crudely anatomical
  • Be mindful that profanity of equivalent impact in regions outside of the USA are subject to the same guidance (for example, in the Club de Cuervos presenta: La balada de Hugo Sánchez trailer, the phrase “no me chingues” was used in the trailer, and translated to English as “don’t fuck with me”)
  • Avoid using the middle finger, as it is equated to “F**k you” in many languages
  • Keep in mind regional sensitivities to gestures when creating assets for titles that will be globally popular or popular in a specific region
  • Implied profanity is OK, as long as it’s comedic and isn’t derogatory, aggressive, sexually-oriented, crudely anatomical, or prolonged
  • Mouthed profanity is typically permitted
  • A few full-bleeping or audio-dropped expletives are OK, as long the full audio is omitted
  • All subtitles are treated the same as audio, so please be sure subs are also edited when necessary





  • Comedic or mild sexual innuendo, and mild flirtatious or seductive dialogue is OK
  • Avoid sexually vulgar language (“I’m going to ride you”), particularly overt innuendo and double-entendres (“Lick my sticky buns”)
  • Avoid references to sexual violence
  • Avoid racial defamation and / or stereotypical dialogue
  • Avoid overt drug references and those that glamorize drug use
  • Some mild crude humor is OK



  • Scenes of adults actively smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol are OK
  • Avoid showing minors who are drinking, smoking, or consuming other substances.
  • Avoid references to substance use that could be perceived as encouraging minors to consume them.
  • Discussions about alcohol and the visual display of adults consuming alcohol are generally OK
  • Discussions about drugs and the visual display of drugs and paraphernalia are generally OK
  • Before and after scenes of drug consumption are OK
  • Avoid clips of active drug consumption (holding bong okay, vs. taking a hit from bong should be avoided)
  • Scenes where it is not clear what substance is being consumed are generally okay(taking a pill, drinking an unlabeled beverage)

Not Advised


  • The one hard and fast rule about guns is do not use an image where a gun is directly pointed at the viewer - Avoid making our members the target
  • Avoid clips that glorify gun use for no other sake than glamorization (guns look sexy and cool vs. dangerous).
  • Audio of gunshots is OK
  • Stylized gun play and action sequences are OK
  • Keep in mind sensitivities around kids and teenagers with guns - while it is OK to use clips featuring minors with guns, use caution with scenes that lean on glamorization or imitable behaviors


Not Advised


  • Avoid nudity, particularly genitalia or nudity in sexual situations
  • Common body parts to avoid include breasts, penises and vaginas, bare butts,visible pubic hair
  • Side-boob is ok, but avoid in a sex scene
  • Brief blurred nudity or fully-veiled body parts are OK
  • Non-focal, non-realistic nudity is OK (such as a drawing, painting on the wall, or costume)
  • Comedic, non-sexualized nudity is generally ok as long as actual genitalia is not being shown


Not Advised


  • Brief scenes where sex is implied are OK, including pre- and post-sexual situations- unless they involve minors
  • If sex scenes are included, try to keep them fleeting and minimize view of bodies
  • Avoid visceral, sexually graphic content and overt sex acts
  • Avoid overt depiction of sex paraphernalia / sexualized objects
  • Sexualized humor or conversation is generally OK if it is not overt (See the”Dialogue” section)


Not Advised


  • Avoid “impact shots” - overt point-of-contact scenes, particularly those that result in bloody injury or gore
  • Depictions of bodily harm or death without impact being shown are OK
  • Stylized gun play and action sequences, martial arts/karate-style fighting,battlefields, etc. are OK
  • Scenes with mild physical or psychological fear and threats are OK
  • Avoid scenes of sexual violence
  • Avoid overt acts of violence against children or animals

Not Advised


  • Avoid overtly focal gore, gratuitous gore, and scenes of intense gore and threat
  • Avoid impact shots (gore that is directly associated with the outcome of a violent act)
  • Avoid images of injured children or animals


Not Advised

A Note About Animation

Animated content may blur the lines of “appropriateness” as the impact is somewhat lessened by the lack of a human subject. For example, animation offers the opportunity to artificially control gore. Animated trailers may be subject to less critical review.

Other Sensitive Topics

  • Avoid direct mention of suicide or imagery of the moment of suicide
  • Avoid mention of abortion

Last updated: 03-04-2025